Episode 1 Cast
In Which Saffron Acquires New Responsibility and Our Heroes Have Kebab for Lunch
Sara J. Nelson
Saffron - fairy - professional godmother working at the Good Company
"Best Wish Granter, Hero Guider, and Villain Foiler. I’m a walking talking Deus Ex Machina."
Professor Holle - witch - The head of the fairy godparenting department at the Academy
"I know, modern progressive thinking and all. You know we have to call it Fairy Godparenting now?"
Jenan Al-Dayyen
Peri - djinn - a know-it-all who works as Magic Support at the good company
"Hello, this is the Magic Support Department. Peri speaking."
Chris Vanderford
Tristan - human - a young man studying to be a professional fairy godparent
"She just threw a harpoon at me. I’m against violence. What do I do?"