Episode 16 Cast
The Message
Sara J. Nelson
Saffron - fairy - professional godmother working at the Good Company
"I got this, Katty. I speak pirate."
Agent Katticus Attison - alien - special agent from Central Command
"Permission to discuss my personal life when we’re not in mortal danger of being blown up?"
Meaghan Cassidy
Lieutenant LK701 AKA Leckie - intelligent spaceship - The lieutenant and second in command
"Special Agent Katticus Attison is currently using all our interdimensional bandwidth to download more episodes of Star Crossers."
Molly Rose
Detective Connis - alien - detective aboard the LK701
"We’re a police station. We WANT people to find us. Why would we ever install a cloaking mechanism?"
Cole Burkheardt
Detective Urswin - alien - detective aboard the LK701
"Somebody save them."
J.R. Nelson
Captain Adam Bradimov - human - Police captain
"Eh, Special Agent, for most of us here aboard the LK701, death is a rather permanent state."
Mangal Preetham
Cadet Caffree - human - cadet aboard the LK701
"Captain Bradimov asked me to leave. He said my incessant questioning of the pirates was bordering on cruel and unusual."
Jenan Al-Dayyen
Peri - djinn - a know-it-all who works as Magic Support at the good company
"Yeah, we have humans. For now, at least. They’re not very fire-proof."
Chris Vanderford
Stanistem - alien - engineer aboard the LK701
Starbeard - alien - the most dreaded pirate in the universe
"What kind of deranged knave would have such a fervent death wish?"